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检索结果:检索 返回 10066 结果。

作者: Du, Ming-Lia;Chen, Song-Wenb;Zhu, LicCAa;Yao, Xian-Fenga;Ye, Leia;Liu, Shao-WenbaDepartment of Nursing, Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai, 200080, China;bCardiovascular Center, Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai, 200080, China;cDepartment of Cardiology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200032, China)

出处: Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences 2024

关键词: atrial fibrillation;catheter ablation;Delphi method;measurement tool;patient’s experience

摘要: Objective To construct a measurement tool for atrial fibrillation(AF)patients’experience of catheter ablation,in order to provide quantifiable basis f ...

作者: Zhang, Shanxinga;Chen, JiwuaCAaaDepartment of Sports Medicine, Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine, Shanghai, 200080, China)

出处: Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 2024

关键词: anterior inferior iliac spine;Arthroscopy;Femoracetabular impingement;Joint capsule;subspine impingement;Treatment outcome

摘要: Objective To assess the clinical outcomes of hip arthroscopy in patients with concurrent femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and subspine impingement ( ...

作者: Wang, Jin-Lia;Jing, Da-DaoaCAaaDepartment of Gastroenterology, Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, 200080, China)

出处: World Chinese Journal of Digestology 2024

关键词: Gastric cancer;Gastric microecology;Helicobacter pylori;Non-H. pylori bacteria

摘要: The relationship between gastric microbiome and gastric cancer has been one of the research focuses in recent years. Many studies have found that gast ...

作者: Zhu, Jianpinga;Xu, Yanxina;Wu, Shaohonga;Wang, Feiyaoa;Zhang, Weixinga;Wang, RuilanaCAaaDepartment of Critical Care Medicine, Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine, Shanghai, 201620, China)

出处: Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine 2024

关键词: Catheter-related blood stream infection;Central venous catheterization;Drug resistance;Etiology;Hemorrhagic shock

摘要: Objective To analyze the risk factors for central venous catheter-associated bloodstream infection in patients with emergency hemorrhagic shock. Metho ...

作者: Lin, Yia;Peng, YongdeaCAaaDepartment of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine, Shanghai, 200080, China)

出处: Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2024

关键词: Body weight;Diabetes mellitus, type 2;Management;Multi-target drugs

摘要: The global pandemic of type 2 diabetes mellitus is still ongoing, in which obesity has played a major role. Obesity not only contributes to the develo ...

作者: Liu, ZijiaaCAa;Lin, Yuanyuana;Gong, YuanyuanaCAbaDepartment of Ophthalmology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai, 200080, China)

出处: Recent Advances in Ophthalmology 2024

关键词: ischemic;optic neuropathy;tomography;visual function

摘要: Objective To observe the changes in visual function and retinal structure in patients with non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) at ...

作者: Li, Taoa;Ma, Xuna;Liu, Pinga;Wang, Jingjinga;Zhang, Kea;Ma, Fengcanga;Yang, Wenyib;Li, WeiaaSchool of Materials and Chemistry, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200093, China;bCardiovascular Medical Center, Shanghai General Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 200080, China)

出处: Surface Technology 2024

关键词: antibacterial;antimicrobialf;hydrophilic coating;hydrophobic coating;lubricity;medical interventional guidewire;surface modification

摘要: Medical interventional guidewires are widely used in various interventional procedures and are commonly used medical devices in percutaneous translumi ...

作者: Zhong, Liua;Kewei, Lia;Min, Wangb;Wenhui, Liub;Leilei, Zhangb;Song, Guoa;Hui, Qianb;Qiang, FuaaDepartment of Orthopedics, Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, 200080, China;bSchool of Medicine, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, 212013, China)

出处: Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research 2024

关键词: cell differentiation;cell proliferation;human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell;micro-electric field

摘要: BACKGROUND: Electrical stimulation is a physical method that can be used to induce various cellular activities such as cell proliferation, differentia ...

作者: He, XianguiaCAaaShanghai Eye Disease Prevention and Treatment Center, Tongji University Affiliated Eye Hospital, Shanghai General Hospital of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, National Clinical Research Center for Eye Diseases, Shanghai, 201103, China)

出处: Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology 2024

关键词: Child;Early diagnosis;Myopia;Pre‑exposure prophylaxis;Refractive errors

摘要: The International Myopia Institute introduced the concept of 'pre‑myopia' in 2019, defining it as children with refractive error ≤+0.75 D and >-0.50 D ...

作者: Qin, Wenfeia,b;Zeng, Yueb;Hung, Weilianc;Sun, Jiaqic;Xia, Yongjuna;Xiong, Zhiqianga;Song, Xina;Ai, Lianzhonga;Wang, GuangqiangaCAaaSchool of Health Science and Engineering, Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Food Microbiology, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China;bShanghai Key Laboratory of Pancreatic Diseases, Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China;cInner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd., Hohhot, China)

出处: Food Frontiers 2024

关键词: carbohydrate metabolism;catabolic control protein A;gut colonization;Lactiplantibacillus plantarum

摘要: Lactiplantibacillus plantarum is selective for carbohydrate utilization, which is primarily regulated by the catabolic control protein A (ccpA). To in ...
